Concept: multiple purpose of flat.
Ambient - environment & user interface (+ sense)
What we have to consider -> * Interface - Sense - Touch
Preference - specific favor
Emotion - sad, happy, upset, excited etc
Home Entertainment -> PA, sofa, light (lamp), mobile, TV...
(Stream) Media Classification -> Audio
(Storage) Video - Virtual, Visual
TV, WIFI, Internet, DVD, Music
OLED -> organic, environmentally friendly - flexible
* recommend: John Carpenter Movie - go to IMDB
Change of computer language (based on, how to realize)
: Text – Logo (elements) - Image
Room classification according to usability (also timeline needs cost)
- Bedroom, Kitchen, Living room, Study room, Bath room, Toilet
* Cross connection - certain area
+ Living room (cost) - IKEA, HABITAT
Multi generation Family
- House person, Elder, work, student, kid etc
Kid <5
Children 5-11 (Outdoor Game, Sports)
Youngster (teenager) 11-18
But special age 16-18 - Boundary legal-illegal
Normal Dating Chatting Focus on social communication
(Grouping is recommendable) and research
Home situation - make a story -> start designing
-> Research * what is desirable
Full design of flat
Different democratic group
*What makes look different (object)?
*Child or not
*Architecture (not only furniture)
*Use case
*Sensing what
*Actuator what intrigues
*Environment Sensor
What do we need?
1. Background knowledge - ambient
2. NASA uses - office environment, overview, other ideas,
3. Design - Prototype - sensor connection, check video & image,
Now and Future (next 5 years)
Happen (scenario)
1. Come home from outside
2. Alarm off-> TV on -> turn on the light
Q) How can we sense mood or user's feeling?
Discussion) make user choose music and environment following mood (preset)
Advice) search this program (I-tune or something) - Customize*
* Technology - controlling - remote control
Changing (without pushing any button)
Optimal House -> we have to focus on
(Not for just one average target- why ambient)
* What do you like?
Individually - separate (according to preference)
Try to identify in best way - preference and average
Program comes on TV
Feeling Phone
Mood Internet
Ambient - color, textile, texture, touch etc (exemption, association)
Define different ambient (Discussion)
* Just social
* Discussion
* Study
* Party
* Cleaning
* Eating
* Relaxing
(Different use) - Virtual reality
(Discussion) -> Provide tutorial, recipe, schedule, therapy...
(Advice) -> Think about situation and use of internet might be different according to age and purpose.
(Discussion) -> What you want to communicate with what technology?
* Think about tendency, Chance to different pattern...
(Advice) -> If you use just remote control, it won't interact.
And If just only focus on best way; one thing adjust all people's preference into one
We have to keep people's feeling.
Go outside (we have to think about it)
* Needs
* User Group
* Social Age
* Environment
* What interact?
* Movement
* Interview
* Statics
* Atmosphere
Feedback (Advice) - think about situation, more than remote controlling.
Difficulties, embarrass thing, privacy, relax, not thinking about what I'm doing or what will do, think about what will be happened (occasion, happening).
-> So case scenario is very important!
+ Optimal situation to no optimal.
Use storage
Ex) textile (color, sensors), pillow (say something when user use it- like memory)
Start from Living (spend most of time).
Object: Sofa, TV, Decoration (pictures, flowers etc).
Split into Object - sofa, TV, audio, shelves etc
Purpose - relaxing, entertainment, study etc
Advice - we can compare why we need to change following mood or needs
2PM ~
Eating team - light
Something change according to atmosphere, talking
*Food game
*Different reaction according to eat together or alone
*Use cartoon or something on the wall (Dialog)
Social team - Divide 3 area; different purpose
Chatting with friend or having group meeting for social
Business - forum
Entertainment - party - split into 5 part following activities
Food & Drink
Game - enjoy together
Music & Dance - Device for music
Love mood - Couple. Dating...
Advice - have to think about after effect (negative way; trash, violent situation...)
Study team - objects for studying
Desk, chair, shelves, book, stationary etc
Computer with internet
Purpose - ex) general knowledge tutorial linking to internet
Change environment ex) wall is changed to Africa in geographic class
Living Room (discussion)
Light technology (particular mood, daily light)
Wall Paper (interesting option)
-> Particle can be changed
* think about e-paper (indoor paper, electrical - color)
Research - Fiber optic, textile, light, shine, outlet, e-paper, e-ink can match different situation.
*Fire high resolution
*Poly chromatic / tama chromatic
*Water resistance cover of sofa
*Color change (4 seasons / temperature)
*Home textile - tapestry, carpet (pigment), also find if texture change is available)
*Electricity - manipulate, different sense
- Different Use case
*Particular piece of furniture
*LCD images - check whether it interrupt user's body.
1. Think about user's needs in specific situation
2. Check device (function)
Configuration, light - different brightness, color, textile, particular motor, volume, appearance, shape,
Manual - mimics ourselves.
Find out what kind of property could be modified.
Noninvasive/ invasive
What would be useful to us?
How does the space look like?
How can we recognize specific person