Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Feedback_14.10.2009 IDM


History - matter - example - analysis - application - product (Device)


Aim of research - stastics - background knowledge - sample images - explanation of technology.
- real object (+ color and material sample )

UI design feedback

supermarket( is better than office _ Apple store scene 1 ) - outside - keep clear /
think about perspective ( side to detect ) ; more actively. lively / keep critical sight.

Service Architecture
Detect a specific object - take a picture - satellite - flaws - take into the data base
- image / automatic data processing - save - send to social network service (ex: facebook)

upload (image flows) / gesture / tag ( way )

+ concept (O)
straight forward - dating service (1st idea), shopping (2nd idea)

technology (0)
describe clear - value use case / technology you need

tag can be used in different way - how to link (real world . virtual world)
procheck. explaining technology. design

What are we going to do :
Brief.sceanario. image board _ UI design ( how does this device work )/ product ( shape )

3d render / technology research / drawing (idea sketch) / cad drawing / idea development

Design shape _ sample (motivation)

How to work.

Process _ How does this device work.


2nd Idea: Image Board

Device for shopping ( detect objects; specifically clothes )

Feedback : If it's fuction is only for providing shopping information, it doesn't have
any attraction or merit. ( arleady a lot of )

+ Where is promotion and security. need more thinking and advance.

- way to improve

* think about a way which can make people (interact) more interact.

* try to find more advanced method or service beyond just shopping device.